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Additionally, participants were asked how their day jobs and other aspects of their daily lives related to the IndieWeb, such as whether their day jobs overlapped with IndieWeb, and what sort of obligations might limit the time they could spend on IndieWeb projects. These values were defined in advance of the IndieWeb, inherited largely from early members’ past Web experiences. By observing design and maintenance in changing circumstances, I was able to present a distinction between values to be defended and values to be enhanced. This will extend a concept I have identified in this dissertation where defending values in design demands a different set of strategies than enhancing values. During the second day, attendees undertake development or design projects of their choosing. The making projects I undertake during this dissertation do not precisely match the experience I had during my critical making course, nor those described in Ratto (2011), where he presents an overview of critical making in the context of workshops. Rather than building something useful, some of the most effective critical making exercises attempt to operate at the most interesting intersection with theory. Critical making as a classroom or workshop activity can focus on projects that need not (and probably won’t) be used in the future.
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