The diet aims to put the body under the process of ketosis. Now, a new keto-focused study (in mice) from the University of California, Davis, has also shown that the low-to-no-carb diet can lead to longer life and more strength, along with cognitive enhancements. "The results surprised me a little," said senior author Jon Ramsey, Ph.D., a research of molecular bioscience at the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine. "We expected some differences, but I was impressed by the magnitude we observed-a 13% increase in median life span for the mice on a high-fat vs. The researchers found that the keto diet increased life span, memory, and motor function, which relates to strength and coordination, along with a lower frequency of tumors. In the study, researchers separated mice into three groups and offered them one of three diets: high-carb, low-carb and high-fat, or a ketogenic, in which about 90% of calories came from fat, with the calorie amounts the same. Leafy green vegetables are extremely nutritious and low in calories.