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I am the new guy

The new King was openly emotional in 'a way that the Crown has never been seen before,' during his first address to the nation tonight, according to a body language expert.<br>Judi James told MailOnline how Charles, 73, did away with the traditional 'stiff upper lip' during the speech, in order to allow himself to share his grief with the nation during the address, which was screened at a service of prayer and reflection at St Paul's Cathedral.<br>According to Judi, the monarch 'radiated pride and confidence' during the emotional speech, which was recorded from the Buckingham Palace Blue Drawing Room. <br>She added that Charles spoke with both the vulnerability of a loving son when he addressed his late mother during the speech, but also the poise of a new King when speaking to the nation.<br>'The new King's body language was openly emotional in a way that the crown never has never been seen before,' Judi said, adding it was was departure from Charles' previous body language. <br>      (image:  )    Judi James told MailOnline how Charles, 73, gave up the 'stiff upper lip' in order to allow himself to share his grief with the nation<br>      (image:  )     The body language expert added he was openly emotional in 'a way that the crown has never seen before'<br>'Gone was the traditional stiff upper lip, stoicism and suppressed emotions, and in their place were words and non-verbal signals of personal love and extreme sadness,' she added. <br>Judi James added that this show of emotions echoed Charles' tearful demeanour during the funeral of his father the Duke of Edinburgh, in April 2021.  <br>'Charles had never been an expressive man until we saw his tears at his father's funeral,' she explained.  'That day it was Kate comforting him.<br>'Here, he shared his grief with the nation but with loving references to his "darling wife Camilla",'.<br>She noted that he displayed one of the only warm smiles during the otherwise deeply sad address when he spoke of Camilla being the one he has relied on 'so much'.<br>  RELATED ARTICLES                      Share this article Share    Judi also highlighted the parts of Charles' speech in which he mentioned his sons as being very expressive. <br>'There was an expression of pride and confidence as he referenced William and Catherine,' she noted.<br>'Then he spoke of his "love for" Harry and Meghan. This comment brought a long pause, and his eyes dropped in a sad, regretful-looking cut-off ritual, as he seemed to allow a small sigh before continuing to speak.'<br>The body language expert said Charles grew most emotional towards the end of his speech, when he appeared to 'be on the brink of tears. <br>'As he spoke of his "darling Mama" and addressed her directly, his eyes appeared to dampen, his voice began to falter and he needed a glance to the side before speaking of a "flight of angels to sing thee",' she added. <br>She noted that the new King was 'hunched and partly hidden behind the table', noting a postural change when he changed direction in the speech.<br>              (image:  )    Charles' traditional 'stiff upper lip, stoicism and suppressed emotions' were all gone during the speech, according to Judi James, who said they were replaced by 'words and non-verbal signals of personal love and extreme sadness'<br>      (image:  )    According to body language expert Judi James, during his speech (pictured) King Charles 'spoke as a son but he also addressed the nation as the new king' <br>'He spoke as a son but he also addressed the nation as the new king,' Judi explained.<br>'And it was here he seemed to flex his shoulders as his chin jutted slightly, to suggest some determination to move forward in the post.'<br>But this was 'only after he had shown a very intimate and revealing display of love to the woman [the Queen] who had held it before', she revealed.<br>Addressing his mother at the end of the speech, King Charles said: 'To my darling Mama, as you begin your last great journey to join my dear late Papa, I want simply to say this: thank you. <br>'Thank you for your love and devotion to our family and to the family of nations you have served so diligently all these years. <br>'May 'flights of angels sing thee to thy rest'.'<br>This evening's service at St Paul's was attended by 2,000 members of the public who were handed tickets on a first-come-first-served basis.<br>Prime Minister Liz Truss gave reading at the service, having met Charles, 73, earlier today at their first in-person meeting at Buckingham Palace.<br>London Mayor Sadiq Khan, Labour leader Keir Starmer, Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng and Foreign Secretary James Cleverly were all in attendance at the service and were seated together.<br>Earlier in the day, huge crowds had cheered the new monarch as he arrived at Buckingham Palace in a vintage Rolls-Royce alongside Camilla, the Queen Consort, before he got out and began shaking hands with countless well-wishers.<br>In moving scenes, shouts of God Save the King broke out before an impromptu rendition of the National Anthem, with the words changed to reflect the new monarch.<br>As the sun shone on an otherwise dull, damp day, the Royal Standard was raised above Buckingham Palace for the first time of his reign.<br><div class="art-ins mol-factbox femail" data-version="2" id="mol-7ee49690-306a-11ed-8ba9-c5a908bcab12" website Charles III was &apos;openly emotional&apos; as he addressed the nation
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Thursday, September 22, 2022

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